this set of images is one of my favourite i’ve ever shot. that’s a difficult thing to say with all of the amazing clients that i work with, but it’s such a beautiful thing to work with another photographer… (osheen creates amazing images, which you can see here). they flew in from their home in toronto, and i got to meet them for the first time right before taking these images, and i immediately felt/saw/knew the kind of connection they have. it’s the kind that’s rooted in small moments and tiny gestures and a few words that add up to a great love… there are wedding photos coming soon as well. many, many years of these kinds of moments ahead for you, my friends. thank you for letting me see these…
a breath a fresh air is what these are :)
whaaaaaaat?! these are insane! love the processing and relaxed feel.
your images Morgaine are just wonderful!!! I love the dreamy feel to every one… just love.