I’m enjoying the end of summer… it’s been the busiest year of my life. I worked last year through my entire pregnancy, and then gave birth to an amazing little boy. After he was born, I went back to work when he was 6 weeks old and grew my photography practice by leaps and bounds this season. I’m feeling accomplished and tired at the same time. Reveling in motherhood and the joy of every moment with my son, and feeling that there’s not enough hours in the day for it all.
Then I find it’s the end of summer. The shadows are really long and the light is warm and buttery in the evenings. These days feel like blessed gifts, and a walk along the water with my son and the light and the warmth and the leaves and the small breeze are like the lyrics to a favourite song. Here are a few recent moments with Katie and Dave… which also fall into the blessed moments category for me. Thank you for sharing these with me.
Morgaine ‘Magic’ Owens… that’s your new name around here.