amme and ken . vancouver wedding photographer

For a mostly visual creator, it’s sometimes difficult to put words to a feeling, an experience, or describe the place that your heart wanders to when it encounters a love like a brilliant light, or a perfect line from a favourite book, or the string of notes from a song that somehow perfectly frames everything your life has held so far…

This collection is that kind of experience for me. Amme and Ken, you have a love that sparkles and shines in these images… that speaks so lovingly and gently about all that your hearts are capable of. I’m still listening to what’s being said here. Thank you.

For future clients… this is another day-after portrait session. There’s no limit to the possibilities for the shoot when we do this. We weren’t restricted to nearby locations or wedding day schedules, and we spent a relaxing afternoon at Iona beach capturing these shots. Such a beautiful time and lovely way to extend the experience of your wedding day, which flies by much too quickly!

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  • amazing pictures… so soft and so much love!!! Great !!!

  • so dreamy. love.

  • krista

    So beautiful! The top one is all rainbowy – only with soft, muted colours. Lovely!