my work takes me places just to show me how wonderful every day of life is. on this day, i got to visit the home of two beautiful people who have the evidence of their joy in the form a little boy. cole offered me a couple of hours of wonderous gazes, fully engaged stares, and playful glances. he discovered my camera and the unexpected moment of a full head dunk in the tub. while the universe was unfolding before him in new and familiar ways, my heart was tripling in size for this beautiful little boy and the world he inhabits with his amazing parents. thank you liana and neil for sharing the joy of your new son with me. truly wonderous…
[…] true treasures each one. i can’t say enough how happy i am to know them. it all began during this session, and now we are witness to another beautiful day in this family’s story. for neil, being the […]
so much awesomeness here Morgaine :)
Yay, family!
Morgaine – these are fantastic. My heart aches when I see these, you’ve captured some great family moments. What a beautiful family!
This is possibly the most enchanting series I’ve seen… ever. So much love in these photos… and you captured the little one so perfectly! Truly beautiful.
love love love