inspire me . ash imagery

I get inspiration from many, many places. usually it’s from bits of things found in nature, the colours and shapes and sounds around me, or my son… and occasionally it’s from other photographers. I’m going to try posting a link once a week to something that inspires me. If you’re a photographer and looking for a bit of inspiration, here it is. Mike Smith of Ash Imagery. He’s from Philly, but works worldwide. Not only does he have an incredible talent with the camera, but he’s an incredible person. He’s filled with a passion for creativity, but also a beautiful humility that really resonates with his clients, you can tell. Here’s a recent image that I absolutely love… head over and explore his work, and let him know what you love about it. It’ll make his day, and you never know… you might have found yourself a new friend and source of inspiration like I have.

Ash Imagery
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  • Wow … I am deeply humbled by this Morgaine … especially since its coming from someone I admire greatly :)

    Thank you.