switch cities auction for haiti . art prints

So as the stories unfold daily about the immense suffering being experienced in Haiti, my heart has grown in proportional capacity… in my ability to experience empathy, compassion, and also gratitude. Living in Vancouver, the thought of an earthquake is always at the back of my mind, especially now that I have a child… the reality is that much more vivid for me as I see images pouring in of the state of things on that distant island. My own home could look very similar in an instant, as the fault line here is “long overdue” for a major quake. So while I know I cannot live in what-ifs, I can live in the reality of the present moment… and this moment needs our attention and compassion.

Many photographers from around the globe are rallying and offering what they can in a worldwide swell of compassion and giving. What would have left us feeling helpless and confused as to what to do even a decade ago, now due in part to the power of social media, we are able to create something meaningful and broadcast it to the world instantly, and see results in a very short amount of time.

Switch Cities, a collective of amazing photographers, has organized a print auction to raise money for relief efforts in Haiti, and I’ve got a print listed. It’s their second one in as many weeks. The last raised more than $2600!! It’s the perfect way to contribute to the efforts… Donate money and take a work of art home. Win Win! So head over and place a bid… it’ll help me sleep better.

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