mum and me .

It’s mother’s day, and I’d like to share a bit of something with everyone.  Now that I’ve got my own beautiful babe, I’ve been thinking about all of the moments I’ve shared with my mum.  My memories start pretty early, with my earliest memories beginning when I’m 2, and getting really vivid when I’m about 4.  I remember the house we lived in, I remember walking to school, I remember rainbow popsicles from the ice cream truck, and I remember green tree frogs in our backyard…

But even before all of this, I have a memory of being extremely happy.  I don’t have many image memories, but I have a lot of sense memories.  There was a time when I felt so loved and so safe that this feeling still lives in me today.  I have a couple of memories that go along with this which include an image of a very large window that went to the floor, and tall waving grass outside the window and trees in the distance.  I also remember the music of Bread.  This is where we were living and the music that was playing when I felt so happy.  This was a time when my mum and I were everything to each other.  It was a certainty that she loved me and that all was well in the world.  This is where I learned about what it means to be a mother.  This is where I learned about the strength of a mother’s love.

And this is why this is my favourite photo of all time.  I look at it often, and it instantly fills me with the same feelings I had at the time.  safe. warm. loved. happy. in my mother’s arms…  

happy mother’s day to all women who offer their arms to their babes and fill this world with this wonderful foundation for humanity. may we all feel this warm and this loved…



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  • Rosie

    Morgaine, this is so beautiful! No wonder this is your favorite image, it is wonderful. You can just feel the love and happiness! Happy Mother’s Day!