jenni and jordan . vancouver wedding photographer

jenni and jordan had the kind of vintage, diy (do it yourself), handmade, homespun, heartfelt, rural wedding that i often dream of. there was so much love and sweetness and joy and fun that my day was a blur of shooting happiness. there was loads of  great style from the guys’ bow ties, suspenders and linen pants to the handmade paper flowers for the bouquet. AND we went to the old-school candy store for sodas… delightful! jenni and jordan, you made such a perfectly splendid wedding… i hope these images help to keep it fresh in your minds for your entire lives… much, much love and gratitude, my friends…

ps. the swallows were flying… which made me happy, and i caught one on the bride’s dress. look for it…

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  • Sarah Rosen

    So amazing, as usual, Morgaine. I absolutely love these images.

  • what an amazing wedding to shoot…and you captured it SO perfectly!

  • So. Speechless. Morgaine, how you appreciate this world and the people you encounter, really shows in your work. Beautiful!

  • Louise Fischer

    I love them. They are amazing. They mean so much to me. Mother of the bride. Thank you

  • These are absolutely stunning!

  • Lovely. Love these two. Editing their best friend’s wedding now.

  • Beautiful work, Morgaine!

  • the marshmallows at the end!! that’s like my dream come true!

  • Such a gorgeous wedding!! The bride and groom are so stylish!!

  • Mark Kowal

    hmmm. I’m guessing Clayburn village

  • oooooh! I think I would have LOVED this wedding :)). vintage perfection!

  • Breathtaking! Love the shots of the bride!

  • so, sooo pretty!