erica and sean . wedding

This is going to give everyone an indication of just how far behind I am on blogging… Erica and Sean were married in Whistler in FEBRUARY. Oh, my… my new life as a mother and a photographer (previously I was a photographer and a woman with some free time for, say, reading a book, painting my toes, having a bubble bath, blogging… you know, LUXURIES) give me just enough time to shoot and edit and be a parent to my beloved son. My poor blog has been neglected, but we’re on a regular schedule of sleeping now (yay!) and the blog is going to see yet another back-log of postings that need to happen. So hang on to your hats! There’s a lot to post…

Erica and Sean were able to have their dream winter wedding in Whistler, surrounded by beautiful snow, mountains and trees… AND it was SUNNY! They flew out here from Toronto to get married 8 years after they first met in Whistler. It was a magical place and time for all involved. Thank you Erica and Sean for such a beautiful day…









We decided on a portrait session before the ceremony to allow for plenty of natural light… we chose a beautiful outdoor location and Erica is waiting for Sean to arrive.



Sean is arriving on the path off in the distance to meet his bride. In this moment Erica is more radiant than all the sunny snow around us… I feel so lucky to have witnessed such a brilliant moment.















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