can’t describe how much we love these two bright stars… they cause an abundance of smiles. they are a duo of joy and light… i refer to b as my little one’s ‘other mama’, given his squeals of delight on seeing her, and how many times a day he asks after her. little a was born within a few weeks of my little a, and they are a great pair. such treasures we’ve been given… such life we breathe in…
This lovely woman offers wellness consultation in many forms… health coaching, traditional chinese medicine, acupuncture and meridian massage, shonishin japanese children’s massage therapy, addiction therapy, sat nam rasayan healing, and yoga therapy… including individual and small group kundalini yoga sessions. connect here… darsana wellness.
I haven’t stopped by in a while. Wowsa! Your work is truly inspiring! Love it.
Morgaine, I’m in awe right now.. these are amazing!!! the light you captured them in just makes them shine as I’m sure she does in real life!! wow.
morgaine, your stuff KILLS me. kills.
I’m in love with these…in love!